Course curriculum

  • 1

    Let's Get You Started...

    • Setting the context: A message from your instructor Stacey Curcio

    • Some important information

  • 2

    Foundation Knowledge and First Concepts

    • The difference between 'intolerance' and 'allergy': an important distinction

    • "IBS-like disorders", types of reactions and prevalence.

    • Understanding causes.

    • The dose determines the outcome.

  • 3

    Wheat and Gluten

    • The rise of the gluten-free diet.

    • Breaking down Wheat

    • Types of gluten reactions: Coeliac disease and Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS)

    • The FODMAPs Diet

    • Gluten-free meal suggestions

  • 4

    Diving into Dairy

    • Lactose Intolerance vs Casein Sensitivity - What's the difference?

    • Lactose Intolerance continued...

    • Lactose content in dairy foods (and a note on Calcium!)

  • 5

    Hives, Headaches and Histamines

    • Sources

    • Symptoms

    • Causes and Solutions

    • Sample low-histamine meal plan

  • 6

    Oxalates - When green juices are not your friend!

    • Sources, symptoms and solutions

  • 7

    Where to from here?

    • Testing vs Elimination Diet

    • Putting your learning into practice.