Course curriculum

  • 1

    Let's Get You Started...

    • Setting the context: A message from your instructor Stacey Curcio

    • Some important information

  • 2

    Foundation Knowledge and First Concepts

    • The rise of digestive complaints

    • Tongue and Stool Analysis

    • The first stage of digestion is in the mind

    • Chew, chew, chew!

  • 3

    Supporting the Stomach

  • 4

    Let's talk about the role of the intestines...

    • The Small Intestine - Where most nutrients are absorbed

    • The Large Intestine - A Microbial Hotspot!

    • A quick recap on stools...

  • 5

    Supporting the Bowel and Microbiota

    • Fibrous Foods - Nutritional Superstars

    • Transit Time Test

    • Supporting the Gut Microbiota

    • Eat the rainbow for happy microbes.

    • Fibre Diversity Challenge!

    • Protecting the Slimy Goodness in the Gut

  • 6

    Bonus information and Takeaways

    • Love your gut even more with these foods...

    • Buyer beware... not all gut health supplements are helpful.

    • Other important considerations.

    • Where to from here?