Course curriculum

  • 1

    Let's Get You Started...

    • Setting the context: A message from your instructor Stacey Curcio

    • Some important information

  • 2

    Foundation Knowledge and First Concepts

    • WHEN: Age recommendations and signs of readiness

    • HOW: Baby-led or spoon-fed?

    • TIMING: How often should you offer food?

  • 3

    First Foods

    • Be flexible and thoughtful regarding your baby’s first foods.

    • First foods

    • Foods to avoid when introducing solids to babies

    • Approaching allergenic foods

    • Iron considerations

    • A sample menu plan for babies

  • 4

    Supporting Baby's Gut

    • Tips on how to support gut health, right from the start.

    • Combating constipation

    • Fermented foods for bubs

  • 5

    Food Culture and Kitchen Tips

    • Homemade is best

    • Kitchen tips

    • The importance of play

    • Fostering a healthy food culture (right from the start!)

    • A few final words...